The aim of 365 Posted Doc Editor is to give the user the possibility to modify certain fields in the registered purchase and sales documents.
The fields that can be modified will be descriptive fields, which can help users to better differentiate the operation performed, change customer or supplier address data.
At no time may fields be modified that are likely to modify accounting entries, VAT movements, customer or supplier movements, as well as quantities and amounts or products invoiced or paid.
What you will be able to do, and what you will find very useful, is that it allows you to modify the invoice number or supplier credit memo and the registration text in purchase transactions; and the external document number and registration text in sales transactions.
If these fields are updated, accounting transactions, VAT transactions and customer/supplier transactions will be modified, but only affecting descriptive fields and fields used in searches.
Supplier invoice or credit number
Registration text in purchase transactions
External document number
Registration text in sales transactions
Language code
Description of the posting
Description of the work
Description of the lines
Client’s name
Client’s address
Ciudad del cliente

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